MEGADETH Films Music Video For 'Lying In State' Song

November 6, 2017

MEGADETH filmed video for the song "Lying In State" during the band's just-completed South American tour.

Several photos from the shoot in São Paulo, Brazil, as well as a short video clip, can be seen below.

"Lying In State" is taken from MEGADETH's latest studio album, "Dystopia", which came out in January 2016.

MEGADETH leader Dave Mustaine said about "Lying In State": "'Lying In State' is actually a second part of 'Conquer Or Die'. These two parts were supposed to be sequenced together. So it goes 'Conquer Or Die… Lying In State'. And the 'Lying In State' part is a double entendre which I'm pretty familiar with doing. The 'lying in state' was a place where you… Once you die, you're lying in state for all to see. Or, right now, with people who are still upright, standing by the podium, lying in a position of state."

He added: "The song is about how it is here with almost every single politician. It talks about how I've seen the world change in the [56] years that I've been alive. I guess the double entendre came from watching a lot of these politicians, you just know when they're asked a question the answer is such spin, somebody that doesn't know shit is gonna go, 'Oh, I get it,' because they don't wanna say, 'I have no idea what he just said.' But for me, since I watch a lot of political pundits to try to get inspiration for songs, I see when people are spinning stuff. Then you've got John Kerry — his wife is the heir to Heinz Ketchup over here, so that dude's a billionaire. He don't need to be working! But then he comes out and says the Paris shooters should have been able to be justified for what they did like at Charlie Hebdo, and the world went nuts on him and then he back-pedalled it, and to me that's lying in state."

MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson recently confirmed that the band will return to the studio at the end of the year to begin work on the follow-up to "Dystopia".

The band's upcoming effort will mark MEGADETH's first release to feature drummer Dirk Verbeuren, who officially joined the group more than a year ago.

"Dystopia" was MEGADETH's first album with guitarist Kiko Loureiro, best known for his work with ANGRA.

Lying in State video shoot. São Paulo ??

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